Saturday, April 15, 2023

Gematria calculator what does it mean

and how to use it

Gematria is a system of assigning numerical values to words or phrases in order to gain insight into their meaning. It is commonly used as a form of divination in Jewish tradition and various occult systems. gematria calculators are an online tool that allows people to calculate the numerical value of words or phrases based on these ancient systems.

A gematria calculator assigns a numerical value to each letter in a word or phrase, and then sums them together to get the total numerical value for that word or phrase. In most cases, the same values are assigned to each letter regardless of its position in the word since gematria does not care about phonetics, only the numbers assigned. For example, A=1, B=2, C=3, etc., and so on until you reach a completed alphabetical array such as [A=1,B=2,C=3...etc].

In addition to knowing what each letter is numerically associated with, using a gematria calculator requires an additional understanding of which system is being used. There are several different systems available when using gematria calculators depending on what type of insight one is looking for. For instance, some systems assign more importance to certain letters than others which can change the meaning behind certain words. The most commonly used system when calculating numerically through gematria centers around the Jewish tradition wherein each letter falls into three categories: ordinary numbers 1-9; male numbers 10-90; and female numbers 100-900.

In Jewish mysticism and other occult systems this gives deeper meaning to words as ordinary numbers represent physical objects, male numbers represent concepual ideas as opposed to physical realities and female numbers represent emotions just as powerful as actual physical bodies or ideas. Through using these values in combination with gematria calculators one can gain further insight into spiritual questions, specific aspects of life or events and even people's names by adding all three types together into one number.

Using a gematria calculator can be relatively straight forward if you know which system you'd like your calculations based off of as well as what numerals correspond with letters within that system. Those who are familiar with Kabbalah will recognize some common elements between it's practice and Gematrias' patterns but it's important they use special caution when interpreting their own results in order not commit any type of bias by taking assertions far too literally .

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